Premier Newman’s axe falls. (or would the last community group please turn out the lights as they go.)

Tonight, my wife Julie and my son Anthony went to the Emergency Services Cadets to be told, effective immediately, Campbell Newman and his government have axed the program. There were only eleven people across Queensland who were paid to look after about eight hundred and fifty teens. All other leaders were volunteers and now it’s gone. Understandably, the kids are shattered.
Many of the cadets in the past went on to become State Emergency Service volunteers and the program was a great feeder for the organisation. Does this make any sense to anyone? How much saving did cutting the program really make and what are going to be the consequences for the SES in the future? There is now no process in place to train young kids so they’re ready to help and serve the community in the future. The have raised money for things like Relay For Life, and now the QLD Government has axed it to save a few dollars.
I’m angry. I thought I was angry before but now I’m Really angry. I guess I’m posting this because I don’t want this stupid decision to slide by unnoticed with all the other cuts across the state.
The Fire brigade was there tonight, and said the education programs where they go to schools to teach fire safety have been cut also. Campbell Newman has cut a great gaping gash through the community, destroying services and support for those who need it. For a full list, you can go here
If you’re in Queensland then email bomb your local member. Spam the Premier. Let him hear our dissatisfied voices and if he can, let him be ashamed that he cares so little for the people who voted him in.
emails to
Thank you everyone.

Chris Kneipp