Into the deepest darkest AMAZON (.com)

For five days I am offering Parallel, the complete first book of the Kasdtien Cycle trilogy, for FREE (HERE) on This is an extension of my experiment in self publishing and we’ll all just have to see how it goes.
So far, (In the first twenty hours) it seems to be moving along quite nicely, slowly clambering its way up the best sellars lists (for free books on Amazon anyway). I will be posting the results when it’s finished and I will be describing the mechanics of the Kindle Direct Publishing system in more detail in future posts. Until then I will continue to obsess over the stats during every writing break.
Book 2, The Immortal Darkness, is coming along nicely, and the expected release date will be in the second half of the year.
Thanks all of you have already downloaded the book from Amazon and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have creating it. Any comments or reviews, questions and the like are always appreciated.

Till next time.
Chris K
Part Time Lunatic